My Biggest Obstacle And How I Overcame It

Chris Kennedy jumped into the real estate business in 2012 while running his other business full-time which helped him pay the bills and he will share with you his single biggest struggle or obstacle faced in his real estate career and how he overcame it.

Return On Equity- Second Part

In this second part, Chris will give you a lot of very important information if maybe you own a couple of properties and you’re looking to grow your portfolio, get into a bigger property, more units. So, this is how things could be seen on the big picture level using return of equity.

Return On Equity- First Part

In this first video, our principal Real Estate Broker, Chris Kennedy will show you about a measure of investment performance that a lot of investors completely overlook, or just do not put enough importance on. And that is called return on equity.

3 Unseen Costs Overlooked By Most Investors

In this video, I'm going to show you three line items that are commonly overlooked by investors when they are comparing deals. So three line items that eat into your profit on apartment buildings, multi-family investments, that a lot of investors overlook when they're underwriting deals. We're going to get right into it.

Buyers – 8 Ways To Make Your Offer Stronger

Chris Kennedy, Real Estate Broker at Mayfair Property Management and Mayfair Real Estate shows eight things that you can do as an investor to increase your chances of getting an offer accepted on your next piece of real estate even in this super competitive sellers’ market in South Florida; and across most of the United States.
Fort Lauderdale Real Estate

Where to Find Apartment Buildings for Sale in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Okay, so let’s talk about some neighborhoods where you can pick up good multifamily apartment buildings in and around Fort Lauderdale. It’s becoming more and more difficult to get good cash flowing apartment buildings in the heart of Fort Lauderdale and surrounding neighborhoods, but there are some neighborhoods where there’s still good opportunity depending on … Continued
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